Monday, 30 December 2019

The Terran Enclave

The Terran Enclave is a major player in the port side communities. While not the only terran community it is the largest.  It's mainly Terran population trace their lineage back to the original marines who stormed the worldship in the war a thousand years ago. While some interbreeding has occurred with local humans the thing that differentiates these people from other humans outside their linage is access to stable power generators and advanced education and training.

The Enclave itself is a small duchy or large country in terms of size. It controls 53 six mile hexes around the port thruster control generators. With a population density of 300 per hex that gives it a total population of 15,900 families. It is highly centralised in terms of urbanisation with around 30% of families in urban environments, for a total of 4,770 (two shifts down on the table and rounding to a clean number). It is ruled by Starlord Tamara, a 10th level Terran Cosmonaut (only required to be level 9 but increased to 10 as they are militaristic).

Unknown, but suspected, by various other communities is that their colonies bridge into the radiation zones and beyond. These communities utilise environment suits and salvaged hi-tech materials to establish mining operations outside the ship. This also gives them access to secret entrances to other areas through external access. The south east community is known as the Viraj District, it mines lava vents that still erupt at select points around the base of the ship as well as the rich churned up earth from the impact. This is how the colony harvests it various rare earth metals and raw iron that is not available in an unprocessed for onboard. These access points and colonies are visible from the outside and could be used as access points for explorers from distant realms.

Port Beatrix

Believed to be named after one of the founders of the settlement, it's also likely the name somehow relates to the original beta strike force attack on the port side power matrix. This settlement forms the hub of the Terran Enclaves territory. Using the standard 20% in the capital city ratio, this give 954 families living in its capital of Port Beatrix making it a large town. As a large town it counts as a Class IV market and does significant trade with the port hanger human communities.

The town itself is situated in a habitation cylinder. This four mile diameter open cylinder is surrounded by habitation chambers and facilities that open up into the central atrium over six miles high. Over time various ramps, bridges and elevators have been built obscuring the views from the upper levels. As such the lower levels are more prestigious as they are closer to the greenery of the central open parklands and mansions of the elites.

Ericks refitters: this shop is famed throughout the port side community for selling new and refurbished Terran and alien weaponry in addition to other conveniences. It is run by Erick III, an aging man who runs the shop with his extended family and eight children. They also sell more primitive armor and weapons, such as crossbows and chain mail. Refurbished Terran pistols and ammunition are available for sale here for 200gp and 20gp for a clip of 10 bullets. Special carbine type weaponry has also been known to be available from time to time. Alien Silkweave armor refitted to your convenience is also available for 500gp.

Starlord Tamara

Tamara traces her lineage back to one of the original Terran commanders from the battles over a thousand years ago. Her armor is a battered but functional armored marine suit that was worn by her ancestor and inherited through the female lineage of her line. Young for a commander she has fought in many battles seeking to push back the visitor hold on the core and the various scavenger armies forever seeking their stable power generators. Like most of her family line her focus is on holding on to their territory and way of life. This comes with a strong focus on community and education, as her Babushka used to say, "without education they are no different to the primitives of this world".

Starlord Tamara Smirnov: Cosmonaut 10; Str 11, Int 17 (+2), Wis 11, Dex 16 (+2), Con 13 (+1), Cha 10; MV 90', AC 11 (Armored flight suit AC 7, Ring of protection +2), HD 10, hp 52, Initiative: +3, #AT 4+, Melee - short sword +1 (AT 3+, 1d6+5), Ranged - Terran pistol +2 (AT -2+, -5 armor piercing, range increment 60', 3 clips with 10 rounds of +1 bullets, 1d8+5), Save F10; Proficiencies: Combat Reflexes, Command, Diplomacy, Fighting Style (missile weapon), Leadership, Military Strategy, Precise Shooting; Leadership Ability 5, Strategic Ability +3, Morale Modifier +2; Equipment: Terran jumpsuit (armor undersuit), 2x potion of healing, 3x plasma grenade, visor of sight.

Terran bloodline

Given they can freely interbreed with local humans there exists "half-terrans" in this setting, similar to half-elves in other settings. Human classes may take the Alien-Lore proficiency at first level as their general proficiency selection provided they have an intelligence of 10 or higher. These characters display the keen intellect of their Terran parent but often lack the critical training or upbringing to go with it. This rule can also be used to represent Terrans who have drifted from the main communities and survive on the edge in scavenger communities.

(EDIT: fixed urban population and Port Beatrix families)

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