Friday 31 January 2020

The Bog'ans and a new spell

Right now my focus is on creating encounter tables and setting appropriate monster lists. Each monster I create here seeks to explain the setting through its presence. The normal humanoid enemies seem a bit out of place in the world ship, I needed something alien to replace them.

So I read up on the Reticulans in These Stars Are Ours! as it’s a bit of a near neighbour for this setting and a great take on the 'visitors', maybe the world ship is in another dimension in its future. The Bog'ans evolved from the thought bubble - what would happen to the lesser classes of visitors if they were cut off from their energy, tools and technology?


A Bog'an and its Thief Bird proxy
When the world ship crashed upon the surface of the planet it suffered critical damage to its systems and structure. While remaining roughly intact the damage sheared off its engines and devastated many of its control systems. Most of the interior transport shuttles and systems ceased operation due to lack of power or broken motive systems. In many areas massive bulkheads sealed off whole sections of the vessel to preserve structural integrity. Many of the vessels lower deck crew
were cut off from the forward command sections of the vessel. Being in the main lesser class proles there was no urgency among the elite to rescue them. The elite also had their own problems given they too were struggling to maintain the core systems in the face of the damage and human aggression.

The proles had to take care of themselves. Without power to sustain their robotic proxies they turned their mental powers to control the various beasts released from Vivariums in the catastrophe. From this mental bond they themselves became less refined in thought and more opportunistic and feral in deed. For tools they turned to metal, wood and fibre. It was difficult at first, many died as they are not a people built for confrontation, but they adapted and evolved (the elites would say they devolved). They turned their backs on the elite who had failed to assist them, to the point that they see themselves as a people liberated from the controlling influence of the old ways. To this day they still plot and war against the humans and elites who would halt their expansion.

Bog’an (small humanoid)
% In Lair:
Dungeon Enc:
Wilderness Enc:
Treasure Type / XP:
Mob (1d8) / Gang (1d6 mobs)
Gang (1d6 mobs) / Clan (1d10 gangs)
E (per gang) / 6
Hit Dice:
Armor Class:
Special Def.:
2 (+2 leather)
Special Off.: 
90’ (30’)
Crossbow (11+/1d6) or Dagger (11+/1d4)
Telepathic communication, ESP, Dominate lesser beings

Unlike their more advanced ancestors they lack the energy and tools required for advanced technology and have degenerated to their scavenger nature. They have directed their mental powers to dominate lesser life forms such as animals and dinosaurs. These controlled beasts act as labourers and proxies in the Bog’ans battles. Each visitor can dominate an animal with a hit dice equal to or less than their own. Additionally a mob of Bog’ans (up to 8) can pool this psychic power to dominate animals up to the combined group hit dice. Such animals are charmed and will follow any mental command from their masters.

Bog'ans typically dress in leather armor made from reptilian hide and wield ranged weapons such as crossbows made of woods and metals salvage from the environment. Their anaemic combat abilities render them weaker than other monsters in combat and they use the fighter 0 progression for attack and saving throws (the leaders below use normal monster hit dice progression for attack throws).

A Bog’an mob is led by a champion with full 6 hp (normal monster attack and saving throws) and equipped with a masterwork scale mail made of dinosaur scale (AC 4). The most common proxy animals used by mobs and champions are velociraptors, known colloquially as "Thief Birds". A Bog’an gang always has a sub-chieftain with AC 4, 2+1 HD with 15 hp, dealing an extra +1 damage on all damage rolls. Sub-chieftains often use deinonychus, or "Claw Birds", as their proxy beasts. A Bog’an clan will be led by a chieftain of HD 5 wearing masterwork splint armor made of dinosaur hide reinforced with metal strips (AC 6), dealing +2 damage to all attacks and wielding an ancestral plasma rifle (2d6+2 damage, 360' range, 30 shots, rapid fire). As the mightiest warriors of their clan they dominate a Timurlengia, called "Grin Lizards" due to their large mouth full of teeth that is often the last thing their victims see. As long as the chieftain is alive, the bog'an's will gain a +2 to morale rolls. As bog'ans are all female and breed through parthenogenesis there is no gender separation and all adults contribute to the defence of the clan. Any clan will have young equal to 25% of the number of adults, they will not fight and have only 1 hp.

Design notes

First I needed to replace mind meld, the signature power of visitors. I thought long and hard about an alternative, but in the end visitors need proxies, they are not inherently good in combat as reflected in the level zero attack throw. Using animals, which are easier to influence, seemed a natural thing. But I mentally extend this bond to their own nature bring a slightly regressed species.

Telepathic link comes in as a level 1 spell (see the new spell below) with ESP being level two giving them a base #### ##. This gives me room for up to another six before I give them two specials. I didn’t build the animal control, but it’s limited nature places it at around a level 2-3 spell. Given the proxies come with their own xp I didn’t add another special, technically I could take points off for the level 0 human attack and save so just left it at 1d6*.

New spell: Telepathic Link

Arcane 1
Range: 120’
Duration: 2 turns
This spell allows the caster to communicate telepathically, and silently, to anyone within range. This communication link goes both ways allowing the target to communicate back. Unlike full telepathy neither party may read the surface thoughts of the other, as such communication requires the participants to actively send a message and the communicators must share a common language. The caster can also setup a shared network of minds talking telepathically together, though all communication in such a group is shared unfiltered by the caster.

Notes: telepathy seems to be priced at 20 spell points as built. Given surface read is more valuable than communication I split it 5/15.

Telepathic link: Detection, mental communication (5), range 120’ (x1.5), duration of 2 turns (x1), all creatures in range (x1), no save x1, arcane x1, total cost 8 (level 1).

Saturday 18 January 2020


With the worldship being a hybrid fantasy and technological setting undead seem out of place. But there is a rich history of technological zombies to draw on in the field of sci-fi and movies. Originally I was thinking of doing a later 'borg' techno virus infectious version, but went a much more physical form drawing on the earlier implant Borg and Stalkers from Mortal Engines. What I ended up with is this:

Revenant, lesser (medium construct)

% In Lair:
Dungeon Enc:
Wilderness Enc:
Treasure Type / XP:
Stalk (1d6) / Hunt (2d6)
Hunt (2d6) / Rampage (3d6)
B / 19
Hit Dice:
Armor Class:
Special Def.:
Resistance to all damage (half),
Immune (sleep, charm, hold and poison)
Special Off.: 
120’ (40’)
2 razor claws (10+, 1d4)

Revenants are much feared by the inhabitants of the world ship being reanimated corpses of the dead reinforced with metal and technology. The most common type uses the bodies of humans and visitors alike. Their desiccated flesh is reinforced with plates of alien bulkhead metals and their joints of bone are enhanced with tubing and nano-thread. Their eye sockets contain lamps that glow with a flickering orange light, making their approach noticeable yet disconcerting. All have razor sharp metal claws implanted on their fingers, hands or wrists.

They plague the borderlands of various kingdoms but are most prominent in the hives. Where they first came from none know for certain, be they a mechanist experiment gone wrong, a ravaging visitor weapon deployed to keep the human boarders at bay or a bog'an experiment that went awry. They tend to 'collect' things, be they live or dead people, metals and energy crystals. On moving into an area they raid all nearby settlements until satisfied with their hoard then simply disappear taking their spoils with them.

The mix of desiccated organic material and metal plating imbedded and reinforcing their bodies makes revenants highly resistant to damage, they take half damage from all damage sources. As reanimated constructs they are immune to poison as well as charm, hold, and sleep spells. They are not undead as such, being closer in nature to a flesh golem, and are not subject to turning

Killing their physical form is often not the end of a revenant as they have been known to recover from this state after several days. Their core reconstructs damaged joints with pieces of sinew, metal and bone. Roll 1d6, on a 1 or 2 they are damaged beyond repair, on a 3 to 6 they return in as many days as was rolled. As the lowest form of revenant they cannot degrade in form like more advanced revenants, re-roll their hit dice on resurrection.

A Hades Module
As a result of this resurrection process many a scout or infantryman has learned that they need to burn the corpses in a bonfire. But to those with technological training there is another way to deactivate these monsters. The device that animates these abominations is referred to as the Hades Module. Each Hades Module is an energy crystal, normally with little to no power remaining, with a small box like unit attacked that contains it's cogitator and nano-thread tentacles. This device is normally imbedded in the chest and even with low charge crystals they possess an almost unending operating life. A player may make an alien lore robots or general devices throw to determine if they know of the Hades Module, additionally mechanists may test for awareness using their build throw. If they are aware of the device they may remove it on a successful technological research throw or repair throw. Once removed the corpse will deteriorate naturally and it is a simple matter to scrape off the attachments to the Hades Module and recover the energy crystal, such crystals are often very low on charge and only worth 5gp.

Build notes:

Unlike zombies and some other constructs these creatures are not slow, these are fast killing machines. I like the mummy damage reduction, as a GM it's easy to do and makes monsters feel tough without going for better attacks given by higher hit dice. As they are not magic I also didn't want to give them non-magic weapon resistance.

In term of abilities:
  • The construct immunities is worth a *
  • The damage the resistance is about #### ### (all weapons and elemental)
  • Doing average damage of 5 worth a *
  • The resurrection is more a flavor ability, no points.

So technically it's a ***, so there goes my dungeon level 1 encounter, they are more a level 2. But they could safely spawn in on level 1 random tables when you roll a level 2 monster and be a reasonable fight. I used treasure B not C as the hoarder option seemed more fitting.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

The Gaumont Empire

The Gaumont Empire descends from the original human inhabitants of this world who boarded the alien vessel to destroy its core. To the wider world these people are often referred to in legend as the creators, but to themselves they are just humans. While not fully successful they aided in halting the invasion and crashing the world ship.

Territory: 83 hexes (Duchy equivalent)
Population: 24,900 (density 300 p/hex)
Centralized settlement pattern, one shift down on urban table: round to 20% urban = 4,980 urban
Capital: 20% in capital = 996 families

As a society they descend almost fully from people of a military background and even to this day their civilisation reflects this. Strong rule of law, service to the state and resilience are traits of Gaumontians even to this day.

Their empire was founded in the launch hangers of the vessel. The hangers are cavernous structures with roofs from two to six miles high. Buildings hang from this sky top in the mists that would be clouds, these buildings are old abandoned hangers and service structures. The surface layer is generally flat containing various platforms and open spaces for storage and servicing of vehicles. The launch doors themselves were in the floor structure, now buried to the outside world and preventing access to the outside world. In some places where doors were sheared off dirt and rock spilled into the hangers creating areas that to this day reflect hills and fields for the current inhabitants.

District 1 - Surlarr

Closer to the Terran Enclave, Surlarr was always the fallback zone for the Gaumont Empire. Additionally with many of its hangers sheared off and the surface layer containing abundant soil the district serves the roll of the breadbasket of the empire.

Fort Marchal

Throughout the history of the empire this holding has always served as the backup capital, only releasing this role in recent history. Unlike several other cities this one is contained within corridor like structures and lacks open spaces and thoroughfares that many a city desire. But it makes it a tough but to crack. Unfortunately it makes it difficult to manage trade with and less pleasant to live in but through the history of the empire these negatives have been more than worth the benefits of safety.

College of Mechanists: Fort Marchal is home to the empires college of mechanists who maintain the ancient arts of machinery passed down from their ancestors. Here many mechanist items can be purchased or commissioned.

District 2 - Cemat

This district has had a troubled history and has always been the frontline in terms of holding territory in the launch hangers. Supported by the Terran holdings to the south, it fell upon the early Gaumont infantry to push the human holding towards the aft side of the bays. But visitor attack squads and the myriad of rampaging escaped experiments frustrated these efforts to the point that this territory has had to be abandoned and recaptured several times.

In the modern era, the wall was established to help hold the northern front and contain many of the threats to the other side of the wall. Many a theory around these constant attacks over hundreds of years point to the hypothetical existence of some sinister intelligence that drives these beasts and marauders but none have ever found the true source.

Neo Valliswa (Capital)

The establishment of the wall has allowed the original capital of Valliswa to be rebuilt over the last hundred years. Originally little better than a shanty town that was reinforced using grounded abductors as defence turrets, the town has blossomed and features structures of steel and stone that befit its status as a capital. In the great hall the current Emperor sits, descended from a long line of Guamonts who have served the empire.

District 3 - Ferone (Terran Development Zone)

The establishment of this territory was a combined effort working with the Terran Enclave in which it was agreed that the land and people would be ruled by the Guamont Empire. These territories were held by visitor outcasts and marauding scavengers that were fought off in the early establishment of the zone. It has since blossomed into a stable district where many people of mixed heritage live. Benefiting from this union they have drawn on Terran and local Mechanist knowledge to repair and revitalise several habitation chambers in the area.

District 4 - Annex Pontos

This domain was a neighbouring holding that was annexed by the Gaumont Empire only a few hundred years ago. It’s people are from a foreign world having escaped from onboard Vivariums and test laboratories on the world ship after the crash. Since the annexation they have become productive members of the empire.

(Left vague for now, this is a GMs chance to put Elves or some other alien race into the setting)

District 5 - Batylle

The current frontier district of the empire was established by house Avril. It is an untamed land on the edge of the empire, beset by visitor raids and scavengers. People of all walks live here, be they human, half terran, terran and hybrids living in relative harmony in a harsh land.

Watchtower Avril

What passes for a village in the region was infact the original watchtower border fort from house Avril. The scouting house cut deep into the borderlands to establish this beachhead from which they have “civilised” the surrounding region.

Sea Of Life

This massive water reservoir is a cylinder over 70 miles long and 20 miles wide. It contains fresh water that sustains some of the nearby communities, additionally its calm surface is ideal for sailing that enables transportation and fishing, though the lack of winds renders all boats to the use of oars. Beneath its surface all manner of creatures live, many hostile to human life.

Emperor Edmond Guamont

The current Emperor of Gaumont is a young but battle experienced, his former regent serves him loyally as his man-at-arms. He wields a mighty sword built by his ancestors that retracts down to a mere hilt, additionally he wears the crown of the royal guard. This famed ‘guardian crown’ is an heirloom and symbol of the empire, it is said to protect not just the wearer but those who stand with him (as ring of protection +3 with 5’ radius). Legends say that while an Emperor wears the crown the Empire will never fail.

Emperor Edmond Guamont: Fighter 9; Str 13 (+1) [18/+3 with suit], Int 12, Wis 9, Dex 9, Con 12, Cha 13 (+1); Fate points: 5; MV 20’ (60)', AC 10 (Juggernaut suit - Human version of Gnomish bronze armored suit AC 7, the guardian crown +3 with 5’ radius), HD 9, hp 60, Initiative: -1, #AT 5+, Melee - retractable great sword +2 (AT 0+, 1d10+10, x2 MOS 7), Ranged - Plasma pistol (AT5+, range increment 210', 20 shots, 2d4+4), Save F9; Proficiencies: Command, Fighting Style (two-handed weapon), Leadership, Military Strategy x3, Weapon Focus (swords and daggers); Leadership Ability 6, Strategic Ability +3, Morale Modifier +3;
Equipment: Fine Juggernaut under suit, 3xenergy crystals, potion of extra healing, potion of invulnerability, personal security drone.

New item - Retractable great sword +2

When first found this small cylinder item appears to be a two handed sword hilt without a blade. On command it reforms itself into a full two handed sword. For this process inch sized metal fragments retract from the hilt climbing over each other to reconstruct the blade in a few seconds. This retraction feature allows these mighty weapons to be concealed as daggers. Value: 40,000gp (+2 enchantment, one 1st level permanent effect).

New spell - Reduce weapon

Arcane 1
Range: touch
Duration: 6 turns plus 1 per level
Used by assassins and nobility alike this spell allows a weapon to be reduced in size to a miniature object about the size of a coin. This allows for ease of concealment of the weapon in question making it almost undetectable to the most thorough of inspections.

Reduce weapon: Transformation, Handheld object reduced to the size of a coin (25; as grow/reduce), range 0'/Touch* (x0.6), Only affects weapons (x0.5), duration of 6 turns plus 1 per level (x1), arcane (x1), total cost 8 (Level 1)

Monday 6 January 2020

The Psion

The Psion, a players impression
I posted this one up on the Autarc forums a while ago. This uses the Visitor racial template and Psionic spell list from Omer to generate a self-contained Psion Class.

The intent of the class is to have a character whos role is a "detector" using alertness and the various sensory powers, without being a caster type class. Its simple start up and rapid advancement with powers along the way seek to make it an attractive class to play and expand on. A hidden twist is it can access and use almost all technological items, even full power armor.


Prime Requisite: WIS
Requirements: DEX 10, INT 10, CON less than 16
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum Level: 13

The enigmatic Visitors came from beyond the stars to pursue ends unknown. As part of their mysterious mission they abduct ordinary humans to perform experiments on them. Sometimes children come of these experiments, cuckoos created by eldritch rituals in the Visitors’ alien laboratories. These Nephilim, half human and half Visitor, grow up to be eccentric outsiders, belonging to neither the terrestrial world nor the alien realms. Nephilim are usually somewhat shorter than ordinary humans, slight of build, with greyish skin, dark oily hair and almond-shaped multi-faceted eyes. The Psion is a Nephilim who has taken up the path of focusing on their innate mental abilities and technological knowledge, rather than pursuing paths arcane.

The Visitors have visited many worlds. Thus, any ACKS setting where science-fiction and/or science-fantasy content is appropriate may have Visitor and with them, Nephilim. Similar to the Nephil class (BCK), the Psion class relies heavily on the existence of alien artifacts in the setting, without which several of its abilities lose their usefulness. Therefore, the class is most appropriate in a setting where such technology is in use, at least as treasure.

Psions lack the physique or temperament for heavy fighting, but through exercises and rote training designed to focus their mind and body they become capable combatants. At first level, Psions hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+. They advance in attack throws by two points every four levels of experience (i.e. the same as thieves), and use the saving throw progression of thieves. They may use leather armor, as well as all technological armors, and may use their innate mental powers while in armor. They may fight with any alien weapons (regardless of class restrictions) but are only trained in the use of daggers, short swords and swords as well as crossbows and arbalests. They may fight wielding a weapon with two hands but are not trained to use shields or dual wield weapons. They may perform one cleave attack per two levels of experience. They may use any magical and technological items usable by thieves.

Because of their alien mindset, they can use alien technology as if they were an arcane spellcaster. They may make the technological research test in place of arcane research when such tests are required by an alien device, such as reprogramming a robot. All Nephilim possess an instinctive knowledge – an inborn alien lore - of Visitor technology, and thus have the equivalent of the Alien Lore proficiency in weapons, armor, and chemicals. Nephilim can achieve On-the-Spot Understanding of an alien artifact from these three categories on a proficiency throw of 7+, and only suffer mishaps on a natural 1 in those categories. They can rely on their subconscious alien intuition to achieve On- the-Spot Understanding with all other types of alien tech on a proficiency throw of 11+ (with mishaps only on a 1). Their extensive knowledge of alien lore also grants them a +3 bonus on all research throws related to alien technology (already factored into technological research).

Nephilim are also highly tuned to their surroundings and enjoy sharp alien senses that grant a +1 bonus to avoid surprise and a +4 bonus on any proficiency throws to hear noises and detect secret doors. With a proficiency throw of 18+ a Nephil can notice secret doors with just casual observation. Thanks to the genes inherited from their telepathic alien progenitors, Nephilim may use ESP (as per the spell) every 8 hours, with a casting time of 1 round. They have a telepathic ability to perceive intentions and always know the exact reaction result (Hostile, Unfriendly, etc.) of creatures they interact with, even if the creature's attempt to lie or conceal their intentions. Creatures with a CHA greater than the character’s WIS are immune to this power, though the character will know they are immune.

Due to their alien nature, Nephilim suffer a -1 penalty to the reactions, loyalty, and morale of humans and other humanoids, but gain a +1 bonus to the reactions, loyalty, and morale of Nephilim and pure-blood Visitors. Psion’s can speak Common and Reticulan.

At 3rd level (psychic) their growing mental powers enable them to psychically manipulate those with similar mental structures to their own. The Psion may use Charm Person (as per the spell) every 8 hours, with a casting time of 1 round.

Their mental powers continue to grow and from 5th level (telepath) their telepathic powers allow them to probe deeply into the minds of others and forcibly extract thoughts, emotions and intentions. The Psion may use Telepathy (as per the spell) every day, with a casting time of 1 round.

At 7th level (mentalist) their understanding of the mind enables them to dominate the mind of an individual. The Psion may use Command Person (as per the spell) once per week, with a casting time of 1 round.

Upon reaching 9th level (meta-psion), a psion achieves metapsionic mastery allowing them to use their power more frequently. The abilities psychically manipulate, telepathic powers and ESP may be used at will. Dominate the mind may be used once per day.

Also on reaching 9th level (meta-psion), a psion can build a refuge for other nephilim and human families that are outcasts of other domains taking on the role of leader. When they do so, up to 1d4+1x10 0th level mercenaries and 1d6 psions of 1st-3rd level will come to apply for jobs and training. If hired, they must be paid standard rates for mercenaries. To maintain order and wellbeing for its citizens this domain funds a society of telepaths, rather than adopting a religion. The society guides and assists the population for the benefit of all. The cost to maintain this is the same as a religion and while this cost is paid the domain morale can never be negative as telepaths ensure all thoughts are directed towards the benefit of the society. In most societies these telepaths build on the greater good fulfilling the role priests often fill in other societies, but in domains suffering from outward threats or difficult times they are often viewed more as thought police keeping the social order together above the needs of the individual. Additional rules for domains are detailed in the Campaign chapter.

At 11th level (meta-psion, 11th level) their mastery of mental manipulation allows them to manipulate monsters and other strange minds. The Psion may use Charm Monster (as per the spell) once per day, with a casting time of 1 round.

Upon attaining 13th level (transcendent), the psion gains the ability to project their mental form. After 1 turn (10 minutes) of meditation, the psion enters a deep trance during which his mental form projects free of his body. Once a projection begins, it continues until the psions projection returns to his body, to a maximum duration of 13 hours. A projecting psion's mental form appears as a stylized version of their physical form. The psion can see and hear normally, move around at his normal movement rate, and pass through solid objects without difficulty. However, the projecting psion cannot see into, hear sounds from, or move through an area warded by an antimagic shell or protection from evil spell or similar effect. The projecting psion is incorporeal and invisible, but can be detected with detect invisible or true seeing, harmed by spells and magic weapons if detected, and forced to return to his body with dispel evil. If the psion’s body is destroyed, the character dies at the end of the projection. If the psion’s spirit is destroyed, his body falls into a catatonic slumber that can only be lifted with restore life and limb, resurrection, or wish. Projecting is so taxing that it can be performed but once per week.

Psion Proficiency List (29): Alien Lore, Arcane Dabbling, Bargaining, Beast Friendship, Blind Fighting, Bribery, Climbing, Combat Reflexes, Combat Trickery (disarm, incapacitate), Command, Contortionism, Diplomacy, Eavesdropping, Fighting Style, Gambling, Illusion Resistance, Intimidation, Mapping, Martial Training, Mystic Aura, Passing Without Trace, Precise Shooting, Running, Seduction, Swashbuckling, Wakefulness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus.
Class proficiencies at: 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th.
General proficiencies at: 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th.

Troubleshooter Template: This pre-generated template represents a researcher seeking to uncover the truth and recover arcane and visitor artifacts that reveal secrets of the past. The template is ready for adventure. However, if your troubleshooter's INT is 13 or greater, you may pick one or more additional general proficiencies before play if you’d like (see Starting Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of ACKS).

Template: Researcher
Proficiencies: Arcane Dabbling, Mapping
Starting Equipment: Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, slender shortsword, boot holstered dagger, leather armor, cloak with deep hood, traveler’s tunic and pants, black gloves, leather belt, shoes, backpack, 2 small sack, 2 large sacks, thick woollen blanket, 50' rope, grappling hook, tinder box, 6 torches, 1 weeks’ iron rations, canteen of water, 15gp. (5 2/6 st., Move 90’/30’)

Template: Veteran Researcher
Proficiencies: Arcane Dabbling, Mapping
Starting Equipment: Plasma pistol, 6 energy crystals, masterwork slender shortsword (+1 to hit & damage), boot holstered dagger, silkweave suit, cloak with deep hood, traveler’s tunic and pants, black gloves, leather belt, shoes, backpack, 2 small sack, 2 large sacks, thick woolen blanket, 50' rope, grappling hook, tinder box, 6 torches, 1 weeks’ iron rations, canteen of water, 17gp, 2,000 gp to roll four times on the chemical items table p.109 BCK. (2 3/6 st., Move 120’/40’)

Psion level progression
Mental Powers
Alien ESP, perceive intentions

Psychically manipulate

Telepathic powers

Dominate the mind

Metapsionic mastery
Meta-psion, 10th Level

Meta-psion, 11th Level
Manipulate monsters
Meta-psion, 12th Level

Project mental form
* Hit point modifiers from constitution are ignored

Psion (Thief) Attack and Saving Throws
Petrif. &
Poison &
Blast &
Staffs &

Psion Build Notes

Allocations: HP 1, FTR 1b (1 tradeoff), THF 2, Hybrid 0
Max level: 13
Tradeoff: Remove one fighting style
Weapons: broad, selecting an 'all alien weapons’ as one broad category. Selecting 5 choices as the other, adding the martial training proficiency to the list to compensate for low weapon choice.
Armor: Narrow, but spending the point gained in dropping the fighting style to get the power suit on the list.
Fighting style: one remains, two handed selected for the alien rapier two handed use.
Power - scientific mindset from terran for 2
Power - one power every odd level after 1 for 3 points, as half chosen.
  • 3 - charm person (1/eight hours, due to its utility at low level availability reduced) 
  • 5 - telepathy (1/day) 
  • 7 - command person (1/week) 
  • 9 - Command of the mind - cooldowns at name level 
  • 11 - charm monster (1/day) (affected by 9)
  • 13 - project mind. 
Save: Save as thief 
Magic items: thief 
Prime requisite: for thief it's DEX or CHA, but this thematically seems more a WIS class, so going with that. This reflects the mental strength required to master these powers of the mind. 
Domain: lacking thief skills I went with the bard option of taking a fighter domain, but instead of the 5th level bonus they gained the thought police (no idea on its balance but I just couldn't get the psi corps out of my head). 
Post 9 hp: as thief = 2 per level 
XP: 500+500+400+325 = 1725; Round 7 down; Post 8 = FTR 100,000 + visitor hybrid 55,000 = 155,000 per level. 
General notes: 
I see perceive intentions as still useful with telepathy present as it is always on, and telepathy requires concentration. It's effectively an always present surface read. ESP allows shallow read, Telepathy deep read. 
The level 9 - Basically reducing cooldowns across the board. Given the discrete/themed nature of the powers I’m just counting this as 1 even though it could be 2 or 3 in relative effect. This is carefully considered based on the nature of the spells as below (all detection/control based, little combat effect outside dominate). 
  • ESP - already lasts two hours anyway, so is up 2 out of its 8 recast. 
  • Charm person - still takes an action and by this level various forms of charm resistance can kick in. Also is simulated by some passive reaction test proficiencies in mass. This remains a single target cast. 
  • Telepathy - allows deep reading - requires full concentration and cannot move. So it’s use is already limited. 
  • The later charm monster is cooled down by this too - mostly to avoid bookkeeping really… And increase the fun.