As most visitor encounters result in several weapons remaining behind I don't treat these weapons as magic item (in most cases). If I did treat them as magic weapons they would be swimming in magic items very early on in the game given the prevelence of these encounters in this setting. I role on the scavenging weapons tables in ACKs to determine the weapons condition when found leading to many being damaged. A side effect of this is technically these weapons can be enchanted, though I leave this up to players to do not include enchanted modern weapons in treasure tables.
In play I give some disadvantages to modern weapons. The main is noise, if they are used in a battle I give +1 to the next random encounter role in a dungeon. Also I “alert” neighbouring rooms, I check who is there and decide what they do to respond. This still leaves the silence advantage strongly in the court of bows and crossbows.
Also I apply a misfire rule draw from warhammer fantasy, on a natural unmodified roll of 1 or 1-3 the weapon can jam or explode. An explosion destroys the weapon and applies the shots damage role to the character firing the weapon. A jam causes the weapon to lock up and it requires a full turn to clean and repair the weapon outside combat.
They have many advantages, under my initiative rules an aimed shot gains a bonus to reducing the targets armor class. If you're not using those rules a simple -2 to the target's AC suffices. Many have access to the rapid fire rules from plasma rifles in Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu. The final main advantage is simply range, though in cramped corridors and buildings this is often of little use.
Their are three dominant technology levels on the worldship Gaumont, Terran and Visitor.
Gaumont technology
Gaumont is a renaissance era technology level, in the main they use sword and crossbow. But they have access to automatons that are custom build by craftsman that differentiate them for a standard fantasy empire. Firearms are built by these craftsmen, they use meteor powder as the propellant for their weapons, made of arcane powders and dusts concocted by alchemists that is highly explosive. This is bound with wax and paper into a shot cartridge with the bullet that is inserted down the barrel as a single object.
Their designs take strong influence from terran weapons and include rifling, but they still use breach loaded for its sturdy nature and perceived accuracy. While aware of clip based weapons they do not use them more out of cultural preference. With many fights quickly becoming close quarter melees they use these weapons more as an opening salvo before closing. They use a wheellock mechanism drawing on complex clockwork designs that has been perfected over centuries.
Gaumont firearms jam on a natural roll of 2-3 and must be cleared outside combat. On a natural 1 they explode, doing 1d8 damage to user. Cleaves can only occur if a character has multiple pistols loaded and available and has the fighting style proficiency to access the quickdraw feature of that proficiency.
Terran technology
Terran technology reflects technology of the modern world, slightly into the current future. They use chemical propellants, an artificial variant of meteor powder from the Gaumont empire that is more efficient but has similar effect. They use rifling and are breach loaded with ammunition clips. They jam on a natural roll of one and may cleave so long as ammo is in the clip.
The terran weapons and ammunition are deliberately expensive, representing rarity.
Visitor technology
Visitor weapons are Plasma based weapons in the main. They are presented in BCK and follow all rules within. As a house rule they have access to the armor penetration of other modern weapons in my setting and also benefit from cleaves limited to their clip.
Modern Weapon Summary Table