But it’s a step I am considering, switching to full Eldritch. So the question is why?
Well, first the new book coming, Aryx's Almanac of Unusual Magic, that I’m excited about seems to be taking an eldritch path to new spells. This means I will have a cache of eldritch spells and new mechanics to draw on (that I won’t have to convert).
Eldritch magic is a bit more of an all-in-one magic system. This makes it a very attractive system for having a little unity in spells under the hood if that’s what you want. It has slightly weaker blast effects but improved detection, healing and enchantment. So in a way it’s a more versatile system.
As I have said, I don’t like direct corruption mechanics. It’s a personal taste thing. I see why they are attractive and would enjoy playing with them, but most of my players either don’t share this view or don’t need the added rule complications.
Exploring the idea, I wrote up an alternative mage this week flavored to my setting. If you look at it from a fighter/thief/spellweaver perspective as a trinity of classes it’s an interesting view on the game (as opposed to the usual four). I wrote it so you can use this as a direct replacement to the mage while retaining other casters that use the corruption mechanics to maintain options for settings that want a range of different eldritch casters. This way when all the new options come out in the Almanac I will have a range of things to directly pick from in my games without worrying about conversion.
Prime Requisite: INT
Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum Level: 14
Reality filters on the worldship make magic difficult and costly, surges and stagnation corrupt the energies and make them dangerous to control. Additionally, primordial and divine sources from agents outside our reality are all but cut off by ancient machines that prevent its power from manifesting. As such, the powers of divine and arcane magic are the domain of rumour and legend. A new discipline has emerged over time, that of the Spellweaver. Drawing on the eldritch energies that remain, they filter and refine this energy to safely cast their spells.
Spellweavers take a more balanced and conservative path to power when compared to the Wizard or Mage. They learn to access Eldritch power through spell matrices and mental filters allowing them to weave magic in a way that diverts corrupting and harmfully energies. While eldritch energies are less destructive than arcane energies they are more versatile granting access to a more diverse range of spells.
At first level, Spellweavers hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+. Their devotion to the pursuits of knowledge leaves little time for martial training and they advance in attack throws by two points every six levels of experience. They may only fight with quarterstaffs, clubs, daggers, and darts. They are unable to use shields, fight with two weapons, or wear any kind of armor.
Due to their advanced magical knowledge and training they can ward themselves from danger and advance in saving throws by two points every four levels of experience.
As they grow in power, Spellweaver’s are able to learn and cast eldritch spells. The number and levels of spells they can use in a single day are listed on the Spellweaver Spell Progression table. A Spellweaver’s spell selection is limited to the spells in his repertoire. Their repertoire can include a number of spells up to the number and level of spells listed for his level, increased by their Intelligence bonus. All Spellweavers can use any magic items usable by other spellcasters. More information on casting eldritch spells, and individual spell descriptions, can be found in the Magic chapter of Heroic Fantasy.
The Spellweaver's namesake ability is thread weaving; this allows them to filter out corrupting and harmful eldritch spell energies when casting spells. These filters are formless magical constructs built of mind and mana that absorb and distribute these harmful energies. They ignore the rules for shades of magic and corruption from Heroic Fantasy and may freely cast eldritch spells.
When a Spellweaver reaches 5th level (Threadweaver), they may begin to research spells, scribe magical scrolls, and brew potions.
When a spellweaver reaches 9th level (Spellweaver), they are able to create more powerful magic items such as weapons, rings, and staffs.
A Spellweaver may also build a sanctum, often a great tower, when they reach 9th level. If the Spellweaver builds a dungeon beneath or near their tower, monsters will start to arrive to dwell within, followed shortly by adventurers seeking to fight them. These rules follow all rules for a mage's sanctum as detailed in the Campaign chapter of ACKs.
At 11th level, a Spellweaver may learn and cast ritual arcane spells of great power (7th, 8th, and 9th level), craft magical constructs, and create magical cross-breeds. These rules are in the Campaign chapter of ACKs.
Spellweaver Proficiency List (28): Alchemy, Alien lore, Arcane Mechanist, Battle Magic, Beast Friendship, Ceremonial Magic, Collegiate Wizardry, Craft, Elementalism, Engineering, Enhanced Warding (as Divine blessing), Familiar, Healing, Knowledge, Language, Laying on Hands, Loremastery, Magical Engineering, Mastery of Charms and Illusions, Mystic Aura, Naturalism, Quiet Magic, Prestidigitation, Second Sight (as Illusion Resistance), Sensing Power, Transmogrification, Soothsaying, Unflappable Casting.
Class proficiencies at: 1st, 4th, 8th, 12th
General proficiencies at: 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th.
Wyrd Warper Template: This pre-generated template represents a Spellweaver who wraps warding around themselves to guard them from fate as they travel to uncover secret knowledge. The template is ready for adventure. However, if your spellweavers INT is 13 or greater, you may pick one or more additional general proficiencies before play if you’d like (see Starting Proficiencies in Chapter 4 of ACKS).
Template: Wyrd Warper
Proficiencies: Enhanced Warding, Collegiate Wizardry
Starting Equipment: Leather bound spellbook with slicing blow and cure light wounds, bronze staff, black cassock, leather belt, low boots, backpack, quill and ink, 1 week’s iron rations, 80gp (1 ½ st., Move 120’/40’).
Spellweaver Level Progression & Spell progression
Spellweaver (Cleric) Saving Throws
Spellweaver (Mage) Attack Throws
This is a very simple build and spends all four powers to buy off the corruption mechanic. It is more an alternate take on the conversion rules in Heroic Fantasy really. This restores it to being more like the original mage.
The proficiency list is customized to my setting but could easily be replaced with the original mage variant or the Nobiran Wizard list (maybe adding prestidigitation and lore mastery back in).
As I don’t use alignment or undead themes (I replaced them with machines in my setting), I removed the ability to create necromantic servants and become undead. Feel free to add it back if you want.
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